There are soooo many beautiful pictures, it was very hard to choose, that's why you get to see several this time. Here are a variety of scenes we saw while we were on our walk checking out the tree stand. It was also so nice to be out as a family, walking, talking (quietly so we didn't scare any deer), and simply taking in the fall air and the beauty of God's creation.
The hay shed from above.
Breathtaking views.
Cool cup. It's amazing what you find in the outdoors if you look closely.
Green, soft rug, simply beautiful. Ok, overuse of the word. Try to find something different.
Green, yellow, orange, who else could do something like this, other than a Creator unmatched in all His skills.
Tree Stand
"A wise son makes a father glad." Prov. 15:20
Here was a special project just for father and son. This wise son has learned some great skills he always will be able to use. They worked all day building this tree stand for the fall. We have seen deer almost daily behind us, including several 4 points and a 6 point, so that means they will be scarce when they are in the stand. :) Nevertheless, they had a good time working with wood and tools. Here are some pics of the finished product.
Wilderness at the Smokies
We went to a brand new hotel, Wilderness at the Smokies! It has 3 large waterparks, 1 indoor, and two outdoor. One of the outdoors has a lazy river and a wave pool. This is in the indoor park, it was sooo much fun!!! I'll explain about the bucket below, in the next couple pics.
Here's J-Dawg on the Surf Rider. Boogie on down, brother! ^_^
This is the biggest, HOOGEST, waterslide, that we've ever been on!! It was terrifying and fully awesome at the same time! The float can hold up to four people. Sari looks like she passed out... O.o
This is the indoor wave pool. Fully AWESOME!!! If you caught the wave just right, you could ride it in. That's J-Dawg and Ju out there.
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Musicians for the Lord
Psalm 150:3-6 says,"Praise Him with trumpet sound;
Praise Him with harp and lyre.
Praise Him with timbrel and dancing;
Praise Him with stringed instruments and pipe.
Praise Him with loud cymbals;
Praise Him with resounding cymbals.
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord!
Sari praising Him with strings. She also plays around on the piano.
JP praising Him on the piano. JP plays with the Irish tin whistle also.
Juju praising Him with the dulcimer. She plays just about anything else she can get her hands on.
Waiting for pics of the J picking and strumming his guitars for the Lord, including the acoustic, electric and the bass.

They all play around on the synthesizer and the auto harp. We absolutely LOVE music! Our dining room has turned into the music room. All genres are great! Juju even had her turn playing a pipe organ, WOW!!!! So cool!!!
The Calm After the Storm
We had a pretty rough storm come through, with winds around 40 mph. These pics are just after the winds and rain. We stayed on the porch watching till we began to get wet and blown away. We LOVE watching the storms as they arrive. It's just one more way to see God's amazing works. The giant cloud looks like God is pulling back a curtain revealing a beautiful blue sky just after the storm. Isn't that like God, maybe taking us through a storm, but it doesn't last. He eventually reveals something amazing at the end. And usually it is beautiful!

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