A couple weekends ago now, we repainted the dining room and kitchen from, as you can see, a yellow to this bold red. Ain't it purty? =3 This is the finished product. Below, is the dining room all decked out.
This is just two coats of paint. There's still a lot of touching up to do in this pic, but as you saw above, in the end it looks great.
Here's my daddy putting on a second coat.
Ju-Ju is finishing the small and hard-to-reach places.
Finished first coat, looks pretty rough...
Moar Funny Fotoes 'n Capshuns!!! =3
Hello, everyone! I know, it's been awhile but I've finally updated!!! Behold! I bring you moar capshuned fotoes!! ^-^
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
Awww.... Baby bun-bun!
Sweet-eyed spotty
*laughs* Trashcat!
Ooo, handsome dawg.
Such a pretty kitteh, keep waiting, he'll come!
His face says it all. =P