Faith Family Farm


A post from the archives - In October, I still choose to SEEK, to use my one word I chose for this year of 2 0 1 4...

When the boy-man makes slings out of an old leather boot and paracord with just the right colors for himself and his sisters; they seek the perfect rock to throw.  And when the same boy-man or his sister, the lady, makes a wrong note on the piano during a song, they seek the right note, the one that sounds.just.right.  

So, my one word for this year of 2014 is SEEK, to seek Him in all things.

There is faith and rejoicing; "In the beginning..."  Yes, "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God."  John 1:1.  I go back to the beginning, seek the beginning, and He is there, the Word is there, was there, and the Word.Was.God.  I seek the One who was, and is, and is to come.  

Deut. 4:29 says, "But from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you search for Him with all your heart and all your soul."  

If I seek Him, I will find Him.  Yes.I.Will.Seek.

We seek the Light in the middle of the night, not just the light switch, but The Light we pray to, and seek, when my sister has miscarried and we rush to the hospital, and seek the dear friend who experienced this same trial at 15 weeks not just 9 months ago, and who can pray and cry with my sister because she knows, she understands, she loves.  We seek the One who can give strength during this time, when my sis is hurting, physically, and emotionally, from holding her 18 week old baby, Kelton Gene, whom God has determined needs to be with Him this day.  We seek why God would not allow us to have the joy of holding this precious gift, but we know God's plans are so much higher than ours, so we seek Him, we trust Him, we love Him, we have faith that He knows best, and  Faith.Just.Faith.In.Him.Yes.  And, as we have the burial service, and his siblings read His Words, Words of comfort, as the daddy reads The Words, and as cousins sing 10,000 Reasons, Amazing Grace, and Jesus Loves Me, we seek Him, always seeking Him for His peace, that only He can give, and we give thanks, thanks to the One who loves and does NOT leave us, who stays, and comforts those who grieve.  Thank You, Jesus, for this peace that only You can give.

"Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God."  Col. 3:1

Jesus is the Light; the love of Jesus is the Light of the world.  The Light will dawn in your souls and Christ the Morning Star will shine in your hearts.  

"Sow with a view to righteousness,
Reap in accordance with kindness;
Break up your fallow ground,
For it is time to seek the Lord
Until He comes to rain righteousness on you."
Hosea 10:12

We seek Him as we hear another person in our community has cancer, and the cousin with incurable cancer waits on God to take him home, the neighbor who is in a hospital in KY waiting on the specialist to help him, another with incurable brain cancer, the family members who wait with them, the cousin who lost her mother this past year and the three ladies who became widows all within a year in our community.  Oh, how we seek You, Father!  How we seek Your hand to uphold us in these days, to be an encouragement to all around us.  Father, we SEEK Your arms, Your loving arms to hold us, to comfort, to give grace, Your grace.

"I love those who love me;
And those who diligently seek me will find me."
Proverbs 8:17

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."
Matthew 6:33

We do this, this seeking; seeking Him who can help and guide us along the paths, along narrow paths, the paths which lead to life everlasting, paths He has given to bring us closer to Him and to His ways, closer to whom He has for us to become, to be, to live for Him, to shine His Light throughout our world in which He has placed us, to be a light for Him.  And, we give thanks, for food, for prayers, for friends, for more food, for love and understanding, for kind words, for hugs, we give thanks for all.

As we seek to live for Him, to know His ways, to trust His paths, to obey His will, we know, "The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.  John 1:5

And I keep counting, keep counting the gifts, the good, the hard, the eucharisteos, giving thanks in ALL things, it helps, brings comfort, knowing God always gives, gives what we need, what makes us stronger for Him.  Nearing 4000 gifts, I keep on, are you counting?  Get a journal and write, write what you are thankful for, the good and hard.

Seek to live for Him, seek to know His will, seek Him in the trials and temptations of this life, and He will give you ALL that you need.  

God is God, God gave God, He gave All, He will bring you through.  Trust His All.

How have you sought God this day?

I would love to hear God's blessings on you...

How do you choose to thank Him?

Always Experiencing Him,

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