Faith Family Farm

Resting and Relaxing

Some days are simply meant for relaxing...yes, that was for one day last week.  It was so very good.  Sitting, with book in hand, that's what you need some days.  

Lying in all kinds of positions is how you might find one on a day like this...

A few weeks ago we had two turkey hens with eight poults following close behind.  It was so sweet to watch the littles following, then get distracted, and run to catch back up.  A lone hen came towards them at one point and one of the moms took the little ones on, while the other went to let the lone hen know, in no uncertain terms, all feathered and fluffed, she was not welcome with them.  She then ran to catch up with the others and off they went.  The poor, lone hen left following at a safe distance behind.  It was interesting to watch their behavior.  You can learn so much in the country...

 When you have the chores finished, sit, read, relax, be still, meditate on what God has done in your life, and what He is doing.  Then, play, laugh, watch a movie, that's what this family loves to do, after all the work is done, of course.  Well, sometimes, before it gets finished...shhhh.

Have a wonderful day!

"Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him."
Psalm 37:7a

Always Experiencing Him,

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