2013 has come to an end. Do you have regrets? Disappointments? Failures? Let us not look to the past with sadness, but look to it as a reminder to search God for His ways, His path to guide us, to lead us in this coming year.
What does 2014 hold for you?
Will it be the same as last year? Or will it take a new direction as you look to God and His Word for how to live your life this year?
Obedience to Him.
Trust in Him.
Faith in Him.
Seeing through God's eyes.
When you make a decision, will you 1st ask God what His desire is for you?
"Seek the Lord while He may be found;
Call upon Him while He is near."
Isaiah 55:6
Our 1st Christmas ornament I made as husband and wife...
A dear friend made for us, no, I am NOT that talented :)
Tomorrow is January 1st of 2 0 1 4, and I have a few goals for this coming year. Not resolutions, I break them oh, so easily. My reading list is very long and I never know where to begin, so I am beginning ONE book, a 1 page devotional a day, working on a Bible study I had already begun, and continuing reading The Valley of Vision of prayers.
My list for January of 2014...
Mere Christianity by C S Lewis
Morning by Morning by Charles H Spurgeon
Idols of the Heart by Elyse Fitzpatrick
The Valley of Vision by
As a family we are going to read through the Bible again this year together. We haven't done that in the past couple of years. It is wonderful with a one year plan or the Chronological Bible to keep us on track. Each time we do this, I always, always learn something new. God's Word is always new, no matter how often I read it.
This next year is an entirely new season in our lives as a family. All of our children have graduated our homeschool, and since we have chosen to not attend college, they are constantly helping and serving anyone who needs them around us and especially with our family and on the farm. But, our young adults are now looking to see where God would really have them to be, to serve, to help provide for their needs, and especially our son as he will be the provider for a family someday.
We are in prayer as to God's plan for their and our lives as a family. God has been so good to us, has blessed us, has provided for us, has loved us, and has shown us constantly His will for us, and we continue to look to Him for His direction.
Sit down together and discuss what you need as a family, as a couple, and as individuals. Pray, listen, and surrender...yes.just.surrender.all.
"'For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,' declares the Lord.
'For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways
And My thoughts than your thoughts.'"
Isaiah 55:8-9
What are some of your goals for the coming year?
Books you are going to read this year?
I will have a list of other books I intend to read this coming year later, but I am beginning with one...
Studies you will go through, alone, or with a group?
What will you use for your family worship time?
I would love, love, love your comments and they might help someone else decide what they may read, or do as a family...
Always Experiencing Him,