Faith Family Farm

The Woods & Forests of Simpson-Dake Haven

There are soooo many beautiful pictures, it was very hard to choose, that's why you get to see several this time. Here are a variety of scenes we saw while we were on our walk checking out the tree stand. It was also so nice to be out as a family, walking, talking (quietly so we didn't scare any deer), and simply taking in the fall air and the beauty of God's creation. The hay shed from above. Breathtaking views.

Cool cup. It's amazing what you find in the outdoors if you look closely.
Green, soft rug, simply beautiful. Ok, overuse of the word. Try to find something different.
Green, yellow, orange, who else could do something like this, other than a Creator unmatched in all His skills.
The kids call this their umbrella tree. We cannot figure out what it is, still looking, but it is very dense, and in the next pic you'll see how it umbrellas out, hence their name for it.

Look up, you get new perspectives on life.

Sari and Comet, too sweet.
Sitting in the stand as we take the stand to stand the stand up. Redundant? Yeah. OK, won't do that again, even drives me crazy.
The kids are taking French, lo, and behold we came upon a French shroom. How 'bout that? Cute, isn't he?

1 comment:

Lynette said...

beautiful pics! yes you need to update more often!