Faith Family Farm

Faithful Fridays

When things don't seem to go as we think they should.
When it's been a hard day.

When I've mumbled under my breath;
And others have seen and stepped away.
They know mom is having it tough.

It seems He is far away... is He?
No, He is waiting for us to reach upward again.

To take hold of His hand, the hand that holds;
The hand that guides;
The hand that never lets go.

Grateful for simple blessings;
Sweet words from children;
Encouraging words from daughters.
A gentle touch from husband.

Yes, He is here.
Yes, He is near.

Where am I walking?  
Who is my guide?  
Guide my steps dear Lord.
May each and every step I take only be in the direction that follows You.
My only desire is that ALL I do is for you.
With faith I take another step,
And another,
Until I am wholly in step with You, Savior.
"Increase our (MY) faith!"
Luke 17:5
"We walk by faith, not by sight" 
2 Cor. 5:7

"But I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail"
Luke 22:32
Jesus prayed for us, for me!  
Thank You, Jesus, my Lord, and my Savior!
Always grateful...when we are thankful, our vision clears.

My heart prays thanks.
I speak thanks to Him.
When cleaning, or reading,
Or walking, or talking.

A heart full of thanks has faith that moves mountains;
Heart mountains, heart attitudes.
Make my heart fill with joy;
Joy for You, Lord.

It is here where I cannot get enough of You;
Of You in me, and me in You.
Live, guide, walk, carry, and fill me.
I want to overflow with Your love.

(from archives)

Always Experiencing Him,

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