Faith Family Farm

A New Day

A new day has dawned
A new morning has been given

Let everything you do
Be yielded to His Spirit

Rest and work in Him
He makes all things new

Live your life 
In Him alone

He is Life!
He is Good!
He is God!

Praise Him with the dance!
Praise Him with the song!

Worship Him and 
Celebrate the Risen Lord!!!

Always Experiencing Him,


viviene @ thejourneyofawoman said...

Amen! Jesus is ALIVE =)

Unknown said...

Yes! And Yes! He is Alive! Thank you for commenting! Enjoyed going over to your blog as well. We have 2 families who are traveling to the Philippines in a month and 1 family will be adopting 2 children there. I pray God's blessings on you as you lead and teach young women there.
Always Experiencing Him,