Faith Family Farm

Preparing to Be

The girls and I have been studying "Preparing to Be a Help Meet" by Debi Pearl.  It has been a wonderful study.  We have had a couple friends participate with us; one newly married and the other Sarah's age. I had read Debi's book, "Created to Be His Help Meet," and gained more insight on my actual God-given role as a woman, as a married woman.  Anytime you read a book, always read through the filter of God's Word.  Some may think she goes to the extreme in her book, so read it and use what God means for you to come away with.  It has been a blessing for myself and the girls. 

Some fun times after our study, playing on the wii, feeding baby calves, cooking together, and just being with one another.  Friends are such a blessing.

This is Timothy, a twin of one of our beef cattle.  It is normal for the momma to only take one calf, so we get to feed the other one.  He has been absolutely adorable from the beginning!  Yes, he has a girly scarf on, it was what the girls had.  Now, he permanently has a red bandana around his neck.  He seems to like it and is just so cute out in the field!

Holstein calves we weaned and are in the field with Timothy.

"Then the Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone; 
I will make him a helper suitable for him.'"
Genesis 2:18

Always Experiencing Him,

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