Faith Family Farm

I Will Hope in Him

How selfish my heart can be...what do I need?  What do I lack?  I have more than I know what to do with, and yet I see something I might NEED?  

                         Oh, how my grateful heart can turn greedy in an instance.  Then, I remember, I remember.  I think of our sweet, dear friends who lost everything, lost it all.Yes.Lost.It.All.  Lost all the worldly possessions they had, even their two cars.  Do possessions matter?  Does what I have really matter?  

                    This sweet family with 7, yes, seven wonderful, beautiful children, lost everything, yes, lost a precious, darling, little girl, Ella.  Her beautiful name given at birth was Gabriella Faith Carbaugh.  Gabriella, a feminine form of Gabriel, which is masculine, from the Hebrew name, Gavri'el, meaning "strong man of God."  Gabriel was one of the seven archangels in Hebrew tradition, where he served as the announcer of births.  Gabriella, Ella, was a gift of God #6, and beautiful daughter #2.

"A strong woman of God," she was a strong little lady, and God loved her, her parents loved her and love her still.  She blessed many, from birth to 18 months old, with smiles, laughs, strong-willfulness, and love for her mom, her dad, her loving brothers, her sisters, and all those who came in contact with her.

       Gabriella Faith, Faith, "to trust," one of the virtue names adopted from the Puritans in the 17th century.  We now take that trust, that Faith, and hold on to it with all our beings, because like Job, the trials of this world can envelop us, can surround us from all sides and steal all the joy we have left if we allow it.  It may take us and swallow us whole, if we don't, like Job say, 
                                                                                    "I will hope in Him."

Where is your hope?

"Then Job answered the Lord and said,
'I know that You can do all things,
And that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted.
Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge?'
Therefore I have declared that which I did not understand,
Things too wonderful for me, which I did not know.'
'Hear, now, and I will speak.'
I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear;
But now my eye sees You."
Job 42:1-5

Our friends have seen our great God through many friends, their new church family, who has blessed them with all their material needs, over and over, our church family who loved them while God had them in our midst, and through our prayers as we are interceding on their behalf.

                    We still ask God to give them a love that can come from no one else, a strength we could never provide, comfort only He can wrap them in, and encouragement for the days ahead.  We already give Him the praise and glory because we know somehow He will use this, in our eyes this tragic event, to allow others see His glory through them.

We do not know God's plans, and we are not guaranteed another breath, another hug, another kiss from the ones we love.  Do not take for granted the time you have today.

The hard eucharisteos, this giving thanks in ALL things, is what we do now.  We give thanks for all the good we have seen, through people giving all; clothes, furniture, food, care for children, prayers, a house, and so much more, our friends have been overwhelmed with God's goodness, seen through His people loving on those in need.  Christianity in pure form, the love of Christ shown in the hands of people.

"I will give thanks to the Lord according to His righteousness
And will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High."
Psalm 7:17

Always Experiencing Him,

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